ℹī¸Economy overview

The economy of CastleStrife is based on the CSM cryptocurrency. CSM can be earned in a variety of ways, including:

  • Selling goods and services: Players can sell goods and services to other players for CSM.

  • Winning battles: Players can earn CSM by winning battles against other players.

  • Participating in events: Players can earn CSM by participating in events, such as tournaments or quests.

CSM can be used to purchase a variety of items in the game, including:

  • Resources: CSM can be used to purchase resources, such as wood, stone, and food.

  • Units: CSM can be used to purchase units, such as soldiers, mages, and siege weapons.

  • Technologies: CSM can be used to research technologies, such as new units, buildings, and spells.

  • Cosmetic items: CSM can be used to purchase cosmetic items, such as skins for units and buildings.

Selling goods and services

Players can sell goods and services to other players for CSM. Goods that can be sold include resources, units, technologies, and cosmetic items. Services that can be sold include mercenary work, construction, and research.

Winning battles

Players can earn CSM by winning battles against other players. The amount of CSM that a player can earn by winning a battle depends on the size of the battle and the outcome.

Participating in events

Players can earn CSM by participating in events, such as tournaments or quests. Events can offer a variety of rewards, including CSM, resources, units, and technologies.

CSM Market

CSM can also be bought and sold on the market. The CSM market is a decentralized exchange where players can buy and sell CSM directly with each other. The price of CSM on the market is determined by supply and demand.

The Future of the CSM Economy

The CSM economy is still in its early stages of development. As the game grows, the economy is likely to become more complex and sophisticated.

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